Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Activities, Activities, Activities

Mon 9/11
Mass for Peace at St. Paul's Cathedral - 7:30PM
I (Tony Z.) will be there. We could sit together as a group if more people would like to come.

Sat 9/16
St. Clement's Pig Roast - 4:00PM
We will be carpooling out of OLGC in West Boylston. We'll leave at 3PM. It should be tons of fun with tons of young adults. Email me ( if you are interested.

Sat 9/23
Pro-Life Mass w/ Bishop McManus - 9:00AM
Bishop McManus will be celebrating mass at St. Joan of Arc on Lincoln St. Tony Z. will be coordinating rides (

Sun 9/24
Mount Monadnock hike with diocesan Young Adult Ministry
Ed and Terry Mielus from the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry are leading a hike up Mt. Monadnock, with mass to be celebrated at the summit. Contact Terry for more information at

Sat 10/7
Davis MegaMaze - 10:30AM
See Noelle's post, below, for more details. We can carpool out of OLGC for this one, too. We will meet there at 10AM. Email Noelle ( to let her know if you are coming to her place afterwards.

Monday, September 04, 2006


The group is growing... We had 15 people at the last meeting. That is great! It's not about the numbers, but it is nice to see people getting involved and building friendships. Everyone is having a lot of fun at the meetings and there is lots of interest in getting involved in other activities outside of the Thursday night group. See below for posts from Gina and Noelle.

There is talk of creating an email list. Please email me with any input:


Davis Mega Maze 10/7/06


We will be going to Davis Maze on October 7. We'll meet there at 10:30, break for lunch, and be done whenever we can make our way out! October 7 also happens to be Heidi's birthday, so everyone is invited back to our place for evening festivities (including cake and ice cream of course!) Please let me know if you plan to attend so we know to look for you at the maze.

See below for more details of the maze:

It's that time of year again....time to get lost in the Davis Farmland Maze. Lights, Camera, Action! This year the theme is movies. The maze is a lot of fun, but it takes a while to complete. So, we usually meet about 10:30, take a break for lunch, and go back to complete all the activities - and there are a lot of them, from finding your way over all the bridges, to getting trivia questions correct, and all the other games hidden in the maze. A slightly overcast day is always good because it can get hot in that maze!

Check out information about the maze here


Gina's Activities Post

I can leave a list of ideas here! HEHEHE. .. . now someone who needs ideas or wants to show an interest in some sort of activity can just comment! That way we'll get more people to check the blog too! :-D

John mentioned the CM Boston weekend activities coming up on Oct. 6-8. The site is for those of you who are interested.

a list of activities: (A)dinner - potluck or restaurant or pizza or make a meal together (I'm happy to host) (B)movie + discussion (C)cards/board game night (D)bowling (E)visit Shrines (F)Hebert's make-your-own-sundae (G)dancing- there's interest in swing, though it's hard to find places to dance after learning - I started in swing but ended up liking salsa because there are actually venues to go to (H)physical activities like canoeing, hiking, sailing, kayaking, even tubing on Ward Hill in a few months (I)Worcester's 10 colleges have lectures, musical, art, and cultural activities and exhibits (Clark foreign art films on Tue,Thurs 7:30PM and Sun. around 3 until Dec. 4. for $5.50 (J)amusement parks (K)pick-your-own fruit and maybe make crisp or pies or shortcake afterward (L)zoos (M)special activities at the Botanical Garden (N)Higgins Armory, art museums (O)Waterfire (P)volunteer projects - Mustard Seed (Q)seasonal activities - OCT. Davis Mega Maze, Edaville Cranberry Festival, Oktoberfest, King Richard's Faire, Pumpkin festivals (Roger Williams Zoo has a great one), Halloween costume party, hand out candy at hospital, Nov- thanksgiving service, think of activities to prep in Advent Dec- gingerbread houses (sounds like a kid activity, but the "grown ups" have more fun)- trip to see lights at LaSalette or Fatima Shrine, shopping trip to Emerald Square mall or Providence Mall, and there's always a million Christmas-related activities (I've got more for other months as well, but the list is getting ridiculous at this point. I'm happy to organize, but I need to know for sure I have at least a person or two to accompany me before I share and put it up. So, any interests, post and we'll try to set it up.

I was thinking of going to Providence this coming Saturday. On a nice day, Atwells Ave is the Italian section, Thayer street is the artsy area near Brown, there is the IMAX theater, three story mall, and Waterfire at night. Any interest? It can easily be all day or just an evening escursion. :-) Let me know!

One more time at the risk of over doing it:

Activities in Worcester by date and time:

Catholic activities this month:;region=Northeast
(LAST activity on this page is a SCOTT HAHN talk - I'd definitely like to go!)

Catholic speakers. Link from Catholic Free Press ad

Salsa/Swing lesson begins at 9:15. Dancing from 10pm to 2am. Live DJ -Requests Welcome! 12per person every Sat. Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge. Great food and area to window shop. The website is pretty bad though.

Friday, October 20, 2006Salsa Class 7:00pm - 8:00pmSalsa Social 8:00pm - 1:00am $10 per ticket (I know the instructors: Annette and Ray Gonzalez and Lynette Rivera as my sister used to teach with them!)