Activities, Activities, Activities
Mon 9/11
Mass for Peace at St. Paul's Cathedral - 7:30PM
I (Tony Z.) will be there. We could sit together as a group if more people would like to come.
Sat 9/16
St. Clement's Pig Roast - 4:00PM
We will be carpooling out of OLGC in West Boylston. We'll leave at 3PM. It should be tons of fun with tons of young adults. Email me ( if you are interested.
Sat 9/23
Pro-Life Mass w/ Bishop McManus - 9:00AM
Bishop McManus will be celebrating mass at St. Joan of Arc on Lincoln St. Tony Z. will be coordinating rides (
Sun 9/24
Mount Monadnock hike with diocesan Young Adult Ministry
Ed and Terry Mielus from the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry are leading a hike up Mt. Monadnock, with mass to be celebrated at the summit. Contact Terry for more information at
Sat 10/7
Davis MegaMaze - 10:30AM
See Noelle's post, below, for more details. We can carpool out of OLGC for this one, too. We will meet there at 10AM. Email Noelle ( to let her know if you are coming to her place afterwards.
Hello Catholic friends! I just found your blog tonight via Catholic Match!
I am much in need of friends, and definitely want ones who share my values.
Please feel free to contact me and keep me posted on any get togethers.
Welcome! Can you ever go to West Boylston to join the group at its regular meeting?
One thing for Tony to post: after the Pro-Life Mass on Saturday, I'd like to offer doing a trip to Worcester Art Museum. It's free admission on Saturdays prior to noon, and even if you get in at 11:59 you will NOT be immediately bumrushed out, if you catch my drift! I think also afterwards, if people are a bit peckish, we can convene to a local eaterie, perhaps one on Highland Street?
count me in for these:
9/11 Mass
Pig Roast
ProLife Mass /Worcester Art Museum.
Sorry that I cannot climb Mt Monadnock, though... I have enough trouble with climbing my own stairs! Enjoy the hike!!!
Whoa, wait a sec... if the pig roast is 4pm, perhaps we can swing a museum trip that morning instead (or additionally???). I propose going to WAM that morning, meet there at 11am.
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