Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Activities, Activities, Activities

Mon 9/11
Mass for Peace at St. Paul's Cathedral - 7:30PM
I (Tony Z.) will be there. We could sit together as a group if more people would like to come.

Sat 9/16
St. Clement's Pig Roast - 4:00PM
We will be carpooling out of OLGC in West Boylston. We'll leave at 3PM. It should be tons of fun with tons of young adults. Email me ( if you are interested.

Sat 9/23
Pro-Life Mass w/ Bishop McManus - 9:00AM
Bishop McManus will be celebrating mass at St. Joan of Arc on Lincoln St. Tony Z. will be coordinating rides (

Sun 9/24
Mount Monadnock hike with diocesan Young Adult Ministry
Ed and Terry Mielus from the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry are leading a hike up Mt. Monadnock, with mass to be celebrated at the summit. Contact Terry for more information at

Sat 10/7
Davis MegaMaze - 10:30AM
See Noelle's post, below, for more details. We can carpool out of OLGC for this one, too. We will meet there at 10AM. Email Noelle ( to let her know if you are coming to her place afterwards.


At 9/7/06, 8:07 PM, Blogger Tiffany said...

Hello Catholic friends! I just found your blog tonight via Catholic Match!

I am much in need of friends, and definitely want ones who share my values.

Please feel free to contact me and keep me posted on any get togethers.

At 9/11/06, 3:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome! Can you ever go to West Boylston to join the group at its regular meeting?

One thing for Tony to post: after the Pro-Life Mass on Saturday, I'd like to offer doing a trip to Worcester Art Museum. It's free admission on Saturdays prior to noon, and even if you get in at 11:59 you will NOT be immediately bumrushed out, if you catch my drift! I think also afterwards, if people are a bit peckish, we can convene to a local eaterie, perhaps one on Highland Street?

At 9/11/06, 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

count me in for these:

9/11 Mass
Pig Roast
ProLife Mass /Worcester Art Museum.

Sorry that I cannot climb Mt Monadnock, though... I have enough trouble with climbing my own stairs! Enjoy the hike!!!

At 9/11/06, 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, wait a sec... if the pig roast is 4pm, perhaps we can swing a museum trip that morning instead (or additionally???). I propose going to WAM that morning, meet there at 11am.


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