Thursday, April 09, 2009

Good Friday

For this Good Friday, the young adults group will be attending the Good Friday service at Our Lady of Good Counsel at 7pm.

After the service, we'll head downstairs to watch The Passion of the Christ. Since Good Friday is both a day of fasting and abstinence and because the film is probably going to suppress our appetites, I do not plan on providing any food. I will provide some bottled water to drink, but if you want some other beverage, then you'll have supply it yourself. There is a store across the street, which will be convenient in case you forget to bring something.

May everyone have a happy and blessed Easter.


At 5/10/09, 1:18 AM, Blogger CowPi said...

My apologies for posting a non-comment here, but I could not find an email address.

THANK YOU for posting a link to Ursula K. LeGuin's short story, "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas", over in the comment boxes at Disputations. I could not remember the name of the story. I had read the story a few years ago, and it always haunted me whenever a discussion came up involving notions of utilitarianism and justifying a good end with evil means.


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